Friday, April 25, 2008

The Year of No Holidays!

Hi, Everyone! Did you wonder where I've been all week? I haven't gone far - I've just spent most of the week in bed with bronchitis! Now, let's see, I missed Christmas and New Year's with the stomach flu, Easter with a bad cold that I never really got over, and now today is our 10th wedding anniversary, and I've been in bed with bronchitis! So I'm calling this the Year with No Holidays! But hey, I'm not complaining! Not when I have sweet sisters who have been enduring surgery, radiation treatment and chemotherapy! Now THEY are brave, not like me the whiner!

So, onto a more pleasant topic, like, uhmmm, how about gas prices, huh?! Just paid $3.84 per gallon - how about you where you live? It just makes me more determined than ever to combine trips and decrease my miles as much as possible! Last year I only drove a total of 3,778 miles, and the year before my total was 4,300 miles. This year I'm going to try to keep it under 3,000 miles! It does help that I can work from home - I'm a lucky girl!

Here is a fun little card for you to look at - I made it last weekend. It's simple but cute, and makes me think of alternative modes of transportation! Although it would be difficult for most of us to make our rounds in a sailboat! So here's hoping that your life will be clear sailing this weekend, may the wind always be at your back, and may the Good Lord watch over you until we meet again!

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