Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sunshine and Flowers!

Hi, Everyone!
I hope that whatever you are doing today, you are enjoying beautiful spring weather and sunshine in your soul! It was a perfect afternoon to spend in the back yard, working on my work "stuff" while Ken dug a new garden plot. Our lettuce and swiss chard are doing so well that he has decided to give them their very own personal garden, and he is creating another plot for tomatoes and carrots. The grapevine grows several inches a day, and the orange tree is full of teensy, tiny little green orbs that will someday hopefully grow into big, fat juice navel oranges.

In celebration of this beautiful spring weather, here are a couple of flower cards I whipped up. And see, that little spring lamb had to get in the picture, too! One card says, "Time spent with friends is time well spent" The other says, "May your day bloom with happiness". And so, friend, it's been fun spending time with you, and may the rest of your day bloom with happiness! Until next time, God bless!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mom,

Your blog site is wonderful! I really enjoyed reading it, and I hope you're having fun with it.

Love Barry

Micki said...

These cards are DARLING, and the little lamb is adorable!